Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Capital Eagles- V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!

The Eagles defeated the Braves in the season opener 14-0. It wasn't quite the "router" we were hoping for but Kevin got in on a few plays and had a GREAT tackle!! Borah is next and even though I WAS a very proud lion, my heart belongs to #31, in the BLACK and GOLD!!! Let's Go EAGS!!!


Andrea Cutler said...

Lookin' tough there Kev!!! Oh and... joerky, joerky, joerky.

Melissa said...

Good one! Poor, poor Kevin. Always getting teased, always getting beat up on, always getting to drive a car to school, always having his own room. Boo hoo! :-) We love our Gusman! Go Eagles!!

Andrea Cutler said...

Mel that's hilarious!!!!!!!Love it!