Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Houston, TX

George and I were able to go to TEXAS and visit The Joneses!! We had such a wonderful time. Melissa and I had been counting the days til we got there and then we hoped time would stand still while I was there. It almost worked!

The first few days consisted of getting to know Trevor, or rather him getting to know us. We went into Houston to see David's work place and it was absolutely amazing. It is like a city inside a city! There were hospitals on every corner. We were very impressed.

Of course, we ate very good food, we went to church and to the Houston Temple, we took Papa George to Target and let him chase Trevor while we shopped, and most of all we spent time with Mel, David, and Trevor! They have a beautiful home and it made me feel so much better knowing where Melissa is while we have our chats on the phone. And now I can visualize right where Trevor is playing with his train set and reading his books.
George left on Sunday and I stayed for another week. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful that time was. I held Trevor while he slept for 2 1/2 hours. It was HEAVENLY! Melissa and I went shopping... more than once!! We went to the Splash Pad, the Play Tree and rode the Carousel. We watched "White Christmas", she IS my daughter!!! But most of all I watched her be a mother and wife in her own home and I am so proud of her and David and the wonderful life they are making together!
I do not recommend Houston in August, but I look forward to more visits in the Spring or Winter months! Thanks Melissa and David for a great time!
Check out Melissa's blog for more of the fun!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

XOXOXO - See you in November!