Monday, September 29, 2008

Life is Good

Life IS good but very busy. I just haven't had much time to do the bloggin thing. What have we been doing? Kevin's football season is in full force. Both the JV and Varsity teams are undefeated, and the "real" season begins this week against Meridian. One of our star players was injured last week and will be out for 3-4 weeks, and our QB is a little banged up but I think we have enough depth that all will be well for the CAPITAL EAGLES!!
I started a part time job with the school district. It is really perfect. 4 days a week just 3 hours a day. I am working with the teacher I was originally hired by way back in 1997(ish)! We are working with the developmentally delayed preschoolers, 3-5 years old, and I think it will be great! So that is a little change in my routine but one I needed and am enjoying.
We continue the preparation for Michael's mission. He leaves 2 months from tomorrow. HARD TO BELIEVE! We went today and purchased his suits, luggage, shirts, etc, and I have to say he will be a mighty handsome Elder!! We are waiting on on his Visa info, background check etc, and then we'll mail that into SLC and he'll be good to go.He is also an official temple recommend holder and we plan to go through with him in the next week or so. He has been taking Temple Prep classes and will be good to go! We are so excited for him.
In keeping with tradition, the "boys" are headed to Salt Lake for Conference. They will attend the Priesthood session. It is a wonderful opportunity for George and his 3 boys to spend some quality time together. A very special THANK YOU to Laura and Jack for letting Jeffrey go, again!!! You are AWESOME Laura Jean!!
By the way Laura...let's go have dinner or something while those guys are gone!!!
So that catches you up on the Johnson Family.
Next up... we look forward to Melissa and Trevor's visit in November!!!!


Jennifer said...

Good luck with all your preparations! Your new job sounds like a lot of fun. That age group is so neat!

Melissa said...

It's just a slippery slope all the way from here to the New Year, right?! Glad Kev's FB team is going strong. I'm holding out for a run in the state tourney so that I can see a game while I'm there. Hope you're liking getting back to work, it probably has its good and bad points, but it feels good to be a part of something outside the day to day home stuff (at least in my opinion). I'm sure the kids love you. Can't wait to see you soooon!

Chad and Angie Ivie said...

When I read your blog and found out that you were working in the schools again...I wished for a moment to be a kid in your class. Maybe just maybe I could fall and get bump on my knee just so Mrs. Johnson could kiss it better and make the pain go away. Just for a split second...then I thought, I hate school. Maybe I should just go get my fix of the whole Johnson crew and pay them a visit. We really do need to get together. Miss you guys....


Kirt said...

When I saw your post at our blog, I linked here and caught up with all your wonderful news. Missions, babies, football. Congrats! I'm sure you and George are enjoying life.