Monday, November 10, 2008

A Random Sampling!

Our very own "Tricker Treaters" were SOO adorable! Maddie was a gymnast wearing a leotard that was her mommy's when she competed for Wings. Mia was our sweet little "cow", she can shake that tail like none other!!! We didn't get a picture of Carrie, but she was a little pumpkin. Trevor was a scarecrow and Mel was Dorothy! Too cute! And last but not least, Mr. Jack was..."Jack" in a Box! How clever! And how CUTE!!!

November is here in full swing! We've had a few UPs and a few DOWNs.
Football playoffs went great until last week when we were eliminated by Mt. View. It was a heart breaker and we were all sad that it was over. We are so PROUD of Kevin and we are looking forward to next year! GO EAGLES!

Melissa and Trevor are here for a few weeks and it has been so much fun. We had ALL the kids here for a long weekend and there was never a dull moment. The grandkids had a blast playing with the train set, climbing the hill, and playing with playdough. Ryan brought his Rock Band game and believe me they "ROCKED" til all hours! Papa George was our favorite and Sydnie did a wicked vocal!

The fun will continue as we count down the days until Michael leaves for his mission to South Africa Johannesburg, on November 25th. We are also looking forward to David coming on the 20th! We will all be together one last time for 2 years. Although it is always hard to have one or more of children far away, when a son is on a mission there is a special spirit that is always present and the blessings that come are amazing. To those not of our faith it is hard to understand how we could send our sons and daughters out on missions but the way is prepared and the benefits far outweigh the sacrifice. We owe so much to our Savior Jesus Christ and having a worthy son serve a mission to proclaim the gospel is one way of showing our love and respect to Him. Michael has made this choice and we are very proud of him!

We also attended our last BSU game together! We figured out that we have been going to games for 12 years! It started out as a way for George and I to spend some "quality" time with our "little boys"! They were being dragged around to all the older kids activities and games and were missing out on time with us. This has been one of the most memorable things we have ever done. We feel so blessed to have spent this time with our boys. We have gone through some of the rough years of Bronco football and have witnessed the finest seasons of football ever at Boise State. We've sat through heat, rain, snow and freezing cold temperatures. We experienced the agony of defeat,(Boston College H-bowl game) and the taste of brilliance! FIESTA BOWL!!! We had SOO much fun at that game, it made the road trip worth it. So to the Broncos I say thank you for 12 years of great entertainment and to my "little boys" thanks for being my best friends and for becoming young men that have taught me far more than I have taught you! By the way... a few years in to it, Sydnie joined us and we have loved every minute! To Kevin, now that Michael will be gone, I guess it is up to you!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Aww, those little boys are the best, aren't they! We are having such a great visit playing with every one - once David gets here it will make the trip complete and we can send little Mike off in style. I know there will be some bitter-sweet moments for you, but I can see that you will make it through his mission with flying colors because you have so much faith and a great view of the significance of missionary work. Love you!