Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mia Bella turns 3

Happy "Dirt"day to my sweet granddaughter Mia! We had such a fun day with her. Papa and I took her to Build-a-Bear so she could make her very own...Hello Kitty! That was the theme of her birthday party! She was so adorable. It is quite the experience and she was a little overwhelmed by the whole process but after getting the stuffing in the doll, or whatever you call a Hello Kitty, she did great. She gave it a bath, and brushed it and then we took her shopping for an outfit. Mia immediately picked out a little sofa chair, a little dress with hearts on it and matching shoes. Thanks to a few coupons she was able to "score" all her picks!(Thanks Laura S. for the coupons!)We had SOO much fun with her. We had a few other errands to do at the mall so by the time we got to the car she was tuckered out. It took all of 5 min and she was asleep for the ride back to Caldwell.
Papa and I were able to give her wishes on the little hearts they put in every stuffed animal. I wished for her to live long and have the blessing of motherhood and Papa George wished for her to have a happy life!!
Mia, we love you! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!


Andrea Cutler said...

That's so cute!! Love your wishes, almost made me tear up...must be all the sinus pressure!! :) I love you and daddy so much!!!!!

Melissa said...

sounds like you had so much fun. mia is the cutest and so lucky to have you and papa around! trev can't wait to see you guys in March.

Lindsey said...

You have the Cutest grandkids!