Thursday, February 12, 2009

Visiting Kathryn and the Ruesch Family

I had such a wonderful weekend in St. George with Kathryn, and Holly and her wonderful family. I flew into Las Vegas and Kathryn came and picked me up-THANK YOU! We drove on into St. George and I have to say the drive was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The Gorge was amazing. Once we got there we went and had lunch and then we were off to Hurricane where Holly and Jason live. Her friends and family were throwing a baby shower for her and Baby Bella. Holly has 4 of the most remarkable boys! I LOVE them! And now there is to be little girl coming to that sweet family. Things have gone from BLUE to PINK! And that little girl will have 4 very protective brothers. I pity the boy that shows up for Bella's first date!
We enjoyed the shower and then we went to Caden's basketball game. He is 6 and a mini NBA star. He quickly had 16 of 20 points and a victory. It was a good day for Cody, Brady and Caden on the court...all victorious!! Jaxson is not far behind his brothers!
The next day was Sunday and I was able to go to church with Kathryn. And then she took me to her place of work. I was FASCINATED and IMPRESSED with what she does and am convinced that she is not paid enough for what she does. You are very good at what you do and I am very proud of you, Kathryn.
Then off to Holly's for dinner and a few games of Wii. I was greeted by BSU fans! Don't they look AWESOME! Those boys are so much fun. Thanks guys for making me feel so welcome and loved. I really hope I can come visit you all again.
It was a wonderful weekend and I am so glad I was able to go and spend that time with my sister. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of us! Holly and J, you have a beautiful family and I am so happy that you are getting your little girl. Those boys are going to be so sweet with her. When life is handing you way too much...try to enjoy the journey because it will be over before you know it.
I love you all!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

what a cute, cute crib! glad you got to take that trip.