Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hey Y'All

Today is the day I travel to Houston to spend time with TREVOR!!! Ok, Melissa and David too! I am so excited to have this time with them. I have had a few misgivings about leaving my good husband for this long, as his days are long and stressful and I'd like to think I make them a little easier by at least having dinner on the table before he is off to the Bishop's office. But he assured me that there is no where he'd rather I be! THANKS BABE! (I was more prepared with meals and laundry then ever before...hopefully it will help reduce some of the stress!)
So when I arrived at the Houston airport I was greeted by Trevor shouting: LEE LEE!! at the top of his lungs. Talk about a tear jerker for this gramma. He then ran up to me and threw his arms around my neck. WOW- that felt like a million bucks. And then to top it off he asked me to sit next to him in the van. I am the luckiest gramma in the whole world.
I know it can't be all that thrilling for David to have his MIL here for 10 days, but I am so happy to be here and I will do my best to earn my keep. Melissa and I have a few projects planned and some much needed "mother-daughter" time to spend together.
Melissa looks wonderful, pregnancy is agreeing with her and I love to watch them as a family. They are WONDERFUL!!
To my babies back home: I will miss you while I am gone and send hugs and kisses every day. I will be home soon and we can have a party at Papa's house! Maybe a hike to the Great Valley will be in order, with treasure and treats!


The Crazy Heads said...

YEAH!!!!! Have fun and get lots of pics to share!

Jeff and Laura said...

I love how Trevor greeted you...We hope you have a lot of fun!

Jennifer said...

Have a great time in Texas!

Mark and Kris said...

Wow, what special treament. That is terrific. You are one wonderful Grandma, and someone I want to be like that way; however I doubt I will ever be as good at it as you are. Wow again. have a great time with them. say hi for us.