Monday, April 20, 2009

Email from Elder Johnson~ Mel is the MVFM...for now anyways!

I normally post Michael's letters on his blog, but I decided to add this one to mine. It is so amazing to hear the excitement in his voice and to see the hard work he has put in. But mostly, it touches my heart to hear the LOVE he has for the people in Nelspruit. And now he is leaving them. But I know the success he has had is just the beginning and that as long as he continues to teach with the spirit and stays obedient to the Lord and the mission that he will spread the same enthusiasm in Edenvale as he did in Nelspruit.
After our Youth's Stake Conference session this past weekend, and now hearing his urgency to encourage us to have missionary experiences, I suppose it is time to hit the knees and put my faith in the Lord that I can find someone to share the gospel with.
Can I just say, that I love this young man, and that I am a very proud mother! I knew because of his obedience and his capacity to love that he would be a successful missionary. He is just so easy to love and I know that the people he has taught will miss him. I look forward to the day that I can meet them!
Anyway, here is his email but I want to make it perfectly clear that although I am VERY grateful that Melissa's email got to him, I will take over the MVFM title as soon as possible, after all I AM HIS MOTHER!!! JK!
(The picture is of the Edenvale flag.) Here is the email.

Guess who won Most Valuable Family Member??
That would be melissa jones.
For some reason i didn't get the email from mom and dad... and the
rest of the fam... but if you could forward this email to them and as
well have them resend their other one, that would be great.
Anyways... This saturday i got the news that i will be transfered to
Edenvale. Which is in the Jo'Burg area. So that's gonna be
interesting! I guess it's a pretty rich area. I'm gonna have a lot of
fun. anyways.... i am leaving the area with 4 people on date! We put
Precious on date last on tuesday night! So hopefully the nelspruit
branch will grow by 4 on may 24, 2009. Anyways I'm totally freaking
out though. The next elder better be good and ready to work hard.
cause if any of those fall through i am gonna throw a fit. But i am
excited for the challenge of a new area. I guess the area im goin to
is right by this place called Bruma. Which is this huge place full of
Curios Shops... which is where you buy all the traditional african art
stuff and what not! so that's exciting! There are also two wards
there. So i'm going from an area with barely one branch to one with 2
wards! i am so pumped!
I'm kinda scared though cause the way things are working out it's
looking like a situation where i might train in 3 months.... that
could be scary. But awesome at the same time. So there are gonna be
lots of crazy stuff happening in the next little while!
Next week i'll be sure to send you all the pictures of me with some of
my investigators as well as some of the members down here!
Anyways... as far as you are all concerned.... make sure you're doing
member missionary work.
We had this sister complain about not being able to feed the
missionaries and about how they are missing out on blessings because
of it. And i just said Don't worry about feeding us with food, just
feed us refferals. Cause noone does member missionary work here. So i
want you to all to always be doing all you can to spread the gospel
and give the elders help in teaching the people. If you help them then
the work is much more effective. so just remember that and maybe set a
goal to have someone you know be taught by the missionaries by the end
of the month, summer, year.... whatever you think you can do!
Well i hope you all have a great week! i look forward to hearing from
you all in my new area on monday!!
-elder j


Melissa said...

Well, There is no comparison between the title of MVFM and MOM. So, even though I'm enjoying it immensely, I'm not letting it go to my head. :) But I also love how Mikey is just thriving there in SA. The transfer from his first area will be hard since it has been such a great experience, but each new area will bring it's own challenges and rewards and soon, he will love this new area just as much.

Mark and Kris said...

Wow, great letter. I really miss that. I enjoy it when they are home, but I miss those uplifting and sometimes challenging letters. They actually put their heart and soul into letters and now we have to hog tie them to get them to "talk". He sounds so great and I know you are proud and you should be. Sometimes emails get hung up, so don't dispair. It is frustrating though. Keep us posted on Mel and the baby too...