Sunday, May 10, 2009

I LOVE being a Missionary Mom!

We talked with Michael today and it was FANTASTIC to hear his voice. He is doing so well and is SOO happy. He had so much to tell us and it was nice not having to drag information out of him.
In true Michael style, getting the phone call was rather interesting and stressful! We had planned for his call to come around 8am Sunday morning. George had Bishopric meeting at 9:30 and we figured that would be plenty of time. Well, 8 oclock came and went, 8:30 passed, as did 9:00. George was needing to leave and the kids had all stayed overnight so that they would be here. Sydnie was here and had even brought Krispy Kreme that she went and picked up at 6am!! George decided to leave and I would call him when Michael called us. Well SHORTLY after George left a call came from...Sis. Summers in the mission office! Michael hadn't realized he needed a calling card to call us from the Bishop's office, so that we could then call him back. So... she gave me the number and I called him. George came home and we had a WONDERFUL chat!
He is really enjoying his new area. They have a car..YES, Michael is driving over there, wrong side of the road and all. He says he does fine! SCARY!!! It is getting chilly over there and he said it is a "concrete jungle"! He is actually serving in an area call Bedfordview, which is 20-30 min from Johannesburg. He said it has about 8 million people. They have removed all sister missionaries from South Africa, for safety reasons, but things are ok for Elders to serve there. Yes, that frightens me a little but I put my trust in the Lord that He will keep Michael safe.
Jeffrey was able to talk to Michael all on his own, we left for church, so it will be interesting to see the fianl phone bill. But regardless of the cost, it was so good to talk to him. He made the comment that he has been out just under 6 months and has already used half of his phone calls home. CRAZZY!! It will be a long 7 months til we hear from him again. The way time will be here before we know it.
I am so proud of Michael. He truly loves the work he is doing and he loves the people he is serving. He is so fired up about member misiionary work. They hardly tract at all, they teach everyday and it is mostly from member referrals. I really need to catch the vision! His testimony is growing and I know that as he continues to be obedient and faithful that he will be successful.
I LOVE having a MISSIONARY SERVING the LORD! Yes, I miss him, but I am so thankful that he is where he is, doing what he is doing and growing in his testimony. Nothing is sweeter, except when they come home!!!!

1 comment:

SarahAnne said...

I'm so glad you got to hear from him. That makes Mother's Day 100 times better. Thanks for keeping us updated on him. I need to get his address so we can send him a letter. Such fun to read!

Love the blog springy!