Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Paul Jones Family Comes to Visit (and a few other pics)

Paul and Laura Jones, brother and sister-in-law to David and Melissa came and stayed with us on their way to Seattle. Paul is doing an internship for his law degree this summer. We were SOO excited that they came and spent the night. Of course their DARLING children, Parker and Autumn were here too, and what BEAUTIFUL babies they are. Parker was so fun to play with, and he picked up ALL the toys by himself! What a good boy! And can I say that Autumn is so adorable! We wish them the best on this little adventure and hope they will stop in on their way back to Provo in July.
Thanks for coming Paul and Laura and PLEASE come back!

These other pictures are of Andrea and Laura takin a little walk the day of George's birthday party. Maddie had fun trying to blow the horn we take to the BSU games! And Kevin caught this big ol fat quail on a rock in the backyard! Good job Kevin!


Andrea Cutler said...

Cute!!! Maddie loved the pic of the quail...she goes..."OOHH, a quail!"

Melissa said...

What happened to our little Maddie? She's all grown up - but I remember a few funny pictures of her blowing that horn from a few years ago. :) Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun. I love seeing the wild life around the house. It really is such a beautiful place. I was jealous of Paul and Laura getting to come visit! If they do come to stay on their way back to Provo it will be pretty close to when baby boy will be born. Yay!

Gibb Family said...

Cute picture of the walking clan.