Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sydnie~my HERO, Carrie, Jack, and Cowboy Kevin!

We have had such fun over the last few weeks. Well, I guess fun depending on who you ask. Three weeks or so ago my Sister-in-law, Sydnie had MAJOR back surgery. Her incision looked like a spiral notebook! I have never seen anything like it. 12 inches or more of staples! Anyway, after spending about 5 days in the hospital she came here for some TLC. It was such a priviledge to serve her! She stayed for about 5 days and then headed home. The day she went to the doctor to get her staples out, she found out there was a problem with some swelling in the incision sight. Needless to say, she had to go back in for another surgery to repair what they thought was a spinal fluid leak. She spent 4 more days FLAT on her back, and then came back here for a few days.(check out the bruise on her arm from the IV's, that is only one!) I am so proud of her! She is really "ONE TOUGH BROAD"!!!! I mean that with love! Sydnie, so glad you are doing better and we hope and pray that this is the end of surgeries for you! 2 surgeries in 3 weeks is just WRONG! You are my HERO!
The week before Sydnie's second surgery we had Carrie come stay with us while Andrea, Ryan, Maddie and Mia went on a DISNEYLAND adventure! Those little girls were so excited and I think they had a great time. As for Carrie...she was her Papa's little angel! She would sleep 10-12 hours a night, take a 2 hour nap and was sweet as punch! And I thought she would out eat Kevin when it came to PANCAKES... the girl LOVES her "cancakes"!! We enjoyed her so much. Jack and Laura came over one of the days to play. It was great fun!(this was my favorite "morning hair"!!!

Father's Day was fun. We had dinner, watched the pictures of the Disney trip and enjoyed each other's company. Jack especially enjoyed Mia's company. They just love each other. He follows her everywhere and she just loves on him like crazy. She is the first to give his sweet little bald head a rub! There is nothing I love more than to have my family here. I love you all!
And to all the Fathers in my life... my husband, my son and sons-in-law, THANK YOU for all you do to care for your families and to be good husbands and fathers. I love you all so much!

A few weeks ago our ward had a YM/YW activity at the Hendricks' house so Kevin thought he should go dressed in style. Isn't he a cute little cowboy?

So that's been June so far. Only 23 days or so til Baby Jones arrives and I am headed to Houston, to bask in the heat and humidity, and to LOVE LOVE LOVE on my Trevor man and the new baby. Okay, Melissa and David too!


Melissa said...

I forgot to comment on this after I first read it... You've been so busy taking care of everyone! What would we do WITHOUT YOU!??!?!?!?!? Seriously, you're an amazing lady and have served us endlessly. And then you just keep on giving. Love you! We're going to be so lucky to have you here with us in just ONE week. I'm going to be spoiled, but I hope that we can spoil you a little here and there with some good grandbaby snuggling time. :) Even though nothing we could do could show how much we appreciate you!

Melissa said...

I also wanted to say that the pic of Mia and Jack just melts my heart and makes me so sad that I don't live closer..... I love you all.