Monday, July 27, 2009

Mini- Me??? (Think Austin Powers)

I know, 2 postings in one day~ but this HAD to be done. We have the best home teachers ever! Dan Deka and Corbin Richards. For those who don't know what a home teacher is, they come visit our family once a month, share a gospel message and just check in on our family. Well, usually the adult takes the lead in this, in this case Dan Deka, but I'm telling you CORBIN RICHARDS ROCKS!!! He calls to set the appointment, teaches the lessons and has even had "object lessons" for us. I just love this kid. Well, they came the other night, while I was still in Houston, and George emailed me these pics. Corbin has shaved his head, is sporting glasses and is truly... George's MINI ME~~~~
Corbin, you are the best, thanks for all you do and for being such an awesome young man!

1 comment:

Andrea Cutler said...

That is stinkin' funny!!!! What a couple of good lookin' dudes.