Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Interesting Email from Michael

This email came AFTER Michael's first email. We were all quite surprised...at least some of us! Ask Ryan what that means.

In the care package send me plenty of goodies. like jerky. and music and talks and stuff like that. :)
Oh and here's a little something else...

"Hello family via Mikey's email!!!!! We would like to make an announcement this morning.....I am sure that it will come as a great surprise to you all to know that the Cutler family is now what we are calling "FOURTH AND GOAL"! We couldn't be happier and I couldn't feel cruddier!!! :) The baby is scheduled to arrive February 17, 2010. We are only about 7 weeks away from finding out what color of baby we will be expecting. Please feel free to call us, but not before 7:30 am.....I do need my rest you know!!!

ALSO......we are asking you all to NOT tell anyone other than our immediate family members until the end of the week so that we can tell the Cutlers when they get home from their trip to VA. I know that is slightly inconvenient, but we would REALLY appreciate it!!!!! Have a lovely morning, Mom, I will talk to you in a few!"


Amen to that Elder Johnson! We are thrilled to have our 7th grandchild on the way!
Andrea and Ryan have always been very creative in how they have announced their pregnancies, actually all of them have been announced cleverly. But when Michael left on his mission he told his siblings that he wanted to be the first to hear about any new babies. Well, he was! You can imagine how surprised we were to get TWO emails from our missionary in one day, and then for it to be the announcement of a new grandbaby!
Congrats to the Cutler Family! And as this is their last, enjoy every moment!
Can my own "baby girl" be having her FOURTH baby... unbelieveable!

( Be sure to check Michael's mission blog for his email...it's a good one)


Gina and Ryan said...

Congrats!! That is great news. Tell Andrea that I am pulling for her to get that little boy...so she can know how sweet little boys are and so our families can stay matching! :) Hope she get to feeling better. I do hope I will never feel that yucky again. Love you bunches and miss you too!

M&M said...

It was so fun to get your comment on our blog! Congrats on another baby!!!!! I'm sure you are just so thrilled. We are sure loving ours! The dr. told me to give her 4 weeks before bringing her to church so we are getting close and can't wait to show her off!

Melissa said...

We're excited! I'm looking forward to seeing another beautiful Cutler baby! WE MISS YOOOOOOUUUUU!