Sunday, December 27, 2009

End of the Year Post!

I have a lot of catching up to do and not really sure exactly where to start. I suppose I'll start with Melissa's visit. I can't tell you how excited I was to have her and the boys here. I hadn't seen Spencer since he was born and of course having Trevor here is always such a treat. Unfortunately my 2 weeks of missing work because of pneumonia cut out any time I was hoping to take off of work but it all worked out ok. I was thrilled that Melissa was here for Kevin's Championship game. And although that didn't turn out quite the way we had hoped, it was fun to have her and the boys here for it. We also had her here for Thanksgiving!! It was SO fun! I love her so much and marvel at her patience and sweetness with her children. I am taught everyday by my daughters and daughter-in-law. They are all such wonderful mommas!!

On to Kevin's game. Capital had an amazing season. Going undefeated and headed into the Championship game against Eagle. Of course we all had hoped these fine young men would reach their ultimate goal of being CHAMPIONS but it was not meant to be. On one of the strangest 2 point conversions I have ever seen, Eagle beat us by 1 point. Backing up a bit, Kevin was selected as a captain for the game which was such an honor. I was very proud of him. He had an incredible season and I know he was disappointed that they didn't win, but I was so impressed with how he conducted himself afterward. Instead of being onry, moody and angry, he was positive and satisfied with how he did. He was not happy they lost but he knew he'd done his best and left his heart on the field. I'll say it again...I was so proud of him.
A friend of mine sent me this quote after the game, I thought it was PERFECT!
“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character”
T. Allan Armstrong

Next came Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful dinner, AND... Michael hit the ONE YEAR MARK of his mission. That in itself was unbelievable. But it was a very nice holiday.

We finally received pictures from Michael. George and I spent about 2 hours one night just looking at them. He is in a beautiful place, serving among beautiful people. I might as well combine this with his phone call on Christmas Day. After a little stress with the calling card, we got through and had a wonderful talk with him. All the kids were here, along with Sydnie and the best surprise of all was that Melissa called on my cell phone and was able to hear him through the speaker phone. When we answered the phone he was speaking Afrikans! It was very interesting to listen to. He had an accent for the first little while but it slowly dissappeared. He is doing SOOO well and is very happy. The missionaries can hardly keep up with the members referrals and they do a lot of street contacting. They try to focus on families, especially with fathers. And they are having a lot of success. He is loving the area and loving the people even more. I knew he'd be a good missionary and as long as he was obedient the Lord would bless him. Be sure to check out his blog to read his emails and see a few more pictures. Not that I am counting because I don't for another 10 months or so but he said his release date will most likely be around Dec.1st.!!! WOW!!!

Christmas was wonderful! We are looking forward to next year as we will have Michael home, Melissa and David and the boys here AND two new grandbabies!!! It will be a wild time and EVERYTHING I have ever dreamed and hoped for. Christmas Eve jammies for all and a new family picture!!!

George has almost completed his 3rd tithing settlement as Bishop. I am amazed at his countless hours of service and I know he loves and cares for each ward member. I have learned so much through his example and I am so grateful to have this amazing man in my life. I am also thankful to good counselors and his faithful executive secretary that work so diligently and offer such dedicated support. We are truly blessed!

By the way, we celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on Nov. 16th!

As I reflect back on the year it has been a good one. We continue to be blessed beyond measure and are thankful for the gospel in our lives, for our dear family and for our Savior Jesus Christ.

Next up... we are headed for the Fiesta Bowl! Kevin and Jeffrey will be with us so it ought to be fun. I only wish Laura could go with us. Thanks Laura and remember our deal!!!
Happy New Year to you all!!!

1 comment:

Karms said...

Love reading your blog Caralee! Isn't blogging fun?