Friday, January 15, 2010

A Parent's Pay Day

The other day I got a call from the Vice Principal at Capital High, whom I have known for quite a while. She left a message saying I needed to call her, it was about Kevin. After a little pause, which seemed longer than it really was, she said nothing is wrong, just give me a call.
Well, Kevin had been selected as the "Student of the Quarter"!!! ONE student, every quarter is selected, what an HONOR!!!! We were invited to attend the Faculty Meeting for the award presentation, unfortunately, it was at 7:30am on a morning when Kevin didn't need to be at school that early!
It was a humbling experience. Kevin's teachers all wrote something about him, and why they thought he deserved the award. By the way...I am not sure HOW he was chosen. I know the teachers were notified AFTER the selection was made. I was so humbled by this young man and what he does each day at school. He has been a 4.0 student since 6th grade, participates in sports, is active in Honors Society and is responsible in his church calling. The things his teachers said made me realize even more that Kevin is a GREAT friend,classmate and young man. ( I know...I already knew it.)
Here's a few of the things his teachers wrote:
"Kevin always has an infectous smile on his face. One look at him and the whole day brightens up. I have seen his classmates go from gloom to bloom after simply chatting with Kevin for a short time. He is always willing to help others when the need arises. It is no wonder that he is so well liked by his peers and teachers. Kevin is an outstanding student. He is self-motivating and strives to achieve at a high level. He has the unique ability to keep students around him on task, and many times they do not realize he is doing it. It is an honor and a pleasure to have Kevin in my Physics class this year. He is a class act!"
A few other comments...
"...he is a leader in a quiet, confident way and is well-respected by his peers. He has the warm-hearted, positive attitude needed to achieve his goals but also help others to achieve theirs.
"...Kevin is as reliable as the sun rising when it comes to finishing his tasks at an "A" level. Even better than those attributes about Kevin is the fact that he is an upstanding young man. Kevin is a real teacher's delight and has earned this recognition."
" addition to his academic prowess, Kevin was a starting linebacker on our dominating football team this year- all in all, a true Renaissance Man and student athlete who leads by example."
"...Kevin audtioned for choir the week before shool started and I put him in Capital Singers. What a great fit he is for my class. His energy and drive has helped with leading his section and it feels as if he has been in my choirs for 3 years. He is compassionate and brings such a positive energy to class every day."
If being proud is a sin...I have a lot of repenting to do. I love this boy so much. He will graduate in the Spring and his hope is to attend BYU in the summer. See...he really is motivated. The spring of the following year (2011) he will go on his mission.
I love you Kevin! You are such an inspiration to me and to those around you.
Congratulations, son!(aren't the new glasses awesome?!!)


The Crazy Heads said...

Well of course......look at his parents!!!!!

Congrats, you ALL deserve this.

Gibb Family said...

Congrats to Kevin and to his awesome parents!

George and Caralee said...

I am convinced that I have learned far more from my kids than they have ever taught me. I am so blessed that they picked me to be their mother. I love them all so much!

SarahAnne said...

Wow! What wonderful well-deserved praise. If the world had more young men like him..... (That goes for all of your incredible kids). (((HUGS))) I totally relate to your comment about learning more from your kids. I'm in that boat for sure. :)

Lindsey said...

You know that is funny, I was just telling Graydon that he seemed like such a great guy! Congratulations! I only hope that Graydon and I can do as well. Good job mom and dad!

Loralee said...

Congrats too LeeLee and George! What a special boy indeed! Keep it up Kev! You will go far! He looks so much like Jeff! Love you all! BIG Hugs hugs hugs!!!!