The month of May is proving to be as busy as usual, especially with a Senior in the house. It started with Singer Show, the 1st of May. I will have video to add soon. Michael had a great year in Singers. He has really developed as a musician and especially vocally. He had a great solo with the choir and along with Logan Hyde on guitar, was able to show off his vocal skills.
The two have them have put together quite the act. It started out with just the two of them and now has grown in to a full band. "We Won the Science Fair" has a pretty legit gig on Saturday, May 17th as a featured band at the VENUE. They have a CD,(for $6) and I think they are working on a revised edition. Look for it soon!
Next came PROM. He and Sydney went together as planned since their Sophmore year. They are such good friends and I think they had a fun time. (see picture, they are on the end, right side.)
The Boise Stake YW/YM Presidencies gave a Graduating Senior Dinner for the graduates and their parents. It was a very nice evening. He and Marcus always seem to have a great time together, no matter where they are!! Marcus and Michael could potentially be in the MTC together! Now that would be interesting! (Look for their matching footee PJ's coming to the blog soon!)( see picture of them above)
The next event is Seminary Graduation on May 22nd and finally the BIG DAY! The Class of 2008 from Capital High School will have Commencement Exercises on May 29th!!Michael plans to work this summer and prepare for his mission. He will turn his papers in August 11th and hopefully be in the MTC in November or December. He has been accepted to Utah State University and plans to enroll after his mission.
We are so proud of him! Michael, have a BLAST these next few weeks, they will be over before you know it!
I just can't believe our little boys are all growed up! Times sure have changed and it's so awesome. I'm so proud to have such studly brothers! hee hee!
BY THE WAY.... look at you go! Your turning out some seriously awesome blog features like your links to family websites!
Michael, Thank you for not being any of the other guys in that Prom picture...seriously, the dude next to you looks like Robby Benson in 1978's "One on One: The Story of a Winner"...only a few weeks left, finish strong
Hey Johnsons!
I found your blog through Melissa's. I can't believe how big everyone is getting! And what beautiful grandchildren you have. Tell Andrea I said hi.
You can check our blog at rberries.wordpress.com
Sarah (Andersen) Rowberry
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