Kevin returned today from his football camp! The Varsity football team from Capital High goes to a camp at Gold Beach, OR. Kevin said it was a great experience and was amazed at how "BIG" some of the players from the other schools were. They ended up at the end of the camp tied with a CA team with 1 loss each. Kevin got some good playing time and came home with a few bumps and bruises but mostly glad he went and glad he was home. Next up for KJ... we head out out on Saturday for a family vacation to Washington DC. We get home the following Saturday and the very next day he leaves for EFY at Snow College. He'll be gone a week and when he returns it will be ALL FOOTBALL until school starts.
He will not be happy that I mention this but he was the only player on the team to end school with a 4.0!! He now has a cummulative grade point average of 4.0 since 8th grade. If he keeps it up, maybe that will help him pay for college!!!
One last note: several LDS players from the team attended the branch on Sunday! What good little Mormon boys!!! We are so proud of you KEVIN!
I am so glad you stopped to comment on my blog - it is so fun to run into old ward members and friends! I didn't realize Laura Hessing married into your family. She was a high school friend of my husband and I. It looks like everything is going really well for you guys. My mom has a blog as well... I can't remember the address off the top of my head, but it's linked to my page. Thanks again for saying hi!
Kevin's neck is huge! Seriously.
I can't believe how big your kids are getting! That means I'm getting old! Congrats on your newest grandkid and congrats to Jeff! That's great! Christina (coburn) Tarbet
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