Monday, July 14, 2008

For My Husband!

I heard this song, "I Want to Grow Old with You" and it is PERFECT for me and George. We have such an amazing life together and I want him to know how much I love him. We have been feeling the pains lately of the "Nifty Fifties", that don't feel so nifty, but I can't imagine going through it without him!((I have til Jan. to make 50 official!) We are so blessed with wonderful children, and their spouses: with 2 teenage boys that are absolutely FANTASTIC and 5 beautiful grandchildren that are the lights of our life!! Thanks babe for all you do for me and our family. And here's to "growin old" with YOU!


Melissa said...

You made me cry! I love you two, you're the best example of how to grow old (though you're not even near there yet, so you better keep goin) together. We are the luckiest!

David said...

bleh...let's stick to trip updates and baby pictures.

Melissa said...

har, har david! you're just wishing i wld put such a nice post about you on our blog. well, give me about 25 years...... :-)

The Crazy Heads said...

That was such a cute little tribute. You don't even look remotely close to 50.