Friday, August 22, 2008

Michael's Mission Call

Michael received his mission call this week and we are in TX!!! It was great being able to share the fun with Melissa and David. He did a great job to start out reading slowly and clearly so we could understand him on speakerphone, but then...everyone was yellin and screamin so loud when he said where he was going that we couldn't hear. Oh... I'm rambling along,
He's going to...
SOUTH AFRICA JOHANNESBURG reporting Nov. 27th which is Thanksgiving Day!!! He'll miss BSU's last game but I think by then he won't care. Maybe Ryan and David would like to go along with us!!!
He leaves from Boise and goes straight to the MTC there in South Africa.
It is amazing to me how the Lord knows each one of us. Michael had even said this was a place he would like to go.
I will send some pics/video along later of him opening his letter so we can all see the craziness!!!
Congrats Mikey, we are excited for you!


Derek said...

Congrats! What a special place to be called to serve. It's going to be a great experience.

SarahAnne said...

Holy cow! Congratulations, Michael!!! We are so thrilled for you!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!! What a neat place to be going. We wish Michael the very best.

Laura Smith said...

The Smith Family is SO very excited for you Michael!!! What an awesome experience you'll have!! I think the little ones In Africa will especially love you just like the little ones in our primary! Congratulations Elder Johnson!!!

Dawna said...

That is AWESOME! What a wonderful place to get to serve the Lord! Congratulations Michael and the whole Johnson family!

Andrea Cutler said...

"everyone was yelling and screaming" = Kevin (as seen in video)