Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Michael's 19 years old!

My boy, Mikey, is 19 years old today. I commented earlier that when he was 3, I couldn't ever imagine him being 19 and now it is here and he is 2 weeks to the day away from leaving on his mission.

He sang in his last "gig" last night at the Venue, what a ride that has been. "We Won the Science Fair" has been a great experience for Michael and I know he will miss his music while he is gone. I do hope that he has MANY opportunities to share his talents while serving his mission.

I will miss the sound of his guitar, the piano, but mostly his voice as he has spent many an hour playing and singing. One of the highlights for me was being able to sing in church with him a month or so ago.

Today, I want to tell him that he has been a JOY in my life. I can't imagine my life without him and although the miles will be many that separate me from him, I will think of him EVERDAY, I will hear his voice in my head EVERYDAY and I will wait patiently as he serves the Lord to return to me. I cannot be more proud of you, Michael! You truly have become an outstanding young man. You have such integrity and have shown it through your obedience to your parents but more than anything to your Heavenly Father. I thank you! It is a priviledge beyond words to be your mother!


SarahAnne said...

What a wonderful post, Caralee. Had me in tears.

I would love to see Michael before he leaves but just don't know if we can swing it, since we are coming for Thanskgiving, I hope. Give him hugs for us!
Happy birthday, Michael!

Andrea Cutler said...

Cute picture!! I wonder who took that?

Jeff and Laura said...

Cute background! We all love and are going to miss Mikey!

The Stones said...

Thanks for checking in on the ol' blog. I too share your sentiments about Michael, he is a good boy. I taught him briefly in the "young mens", but I always felt he had a goodness about him. Just starting out on this journey of parenting
I feel like a mission is going to be as much of a sacrifice on the parents as it is on the boy. It would be hard to say goodbye for two years when they have been such and enormous part of your life up to that point. I don't envy you. I struggle having to leave them for the workday. Anyway I am BSU Alumni and a HUGE College Football fan so I would love to begin your tradition of taking my boys to the games. See you on Sunday, Mike

Melissa said...

He is the silliest, craziest kid I know and I'm sure the house will feel very different without him. But he is going to be a great missionary and bless so many lives there.