Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Out with the with the New

And so...a new year begins. I have been doing a lot of pondering about this last year, 2008, and if I am satisfied with how it went. First of all, it "went" and very quickly. I am amazed that the old adage that " time passes more quickly the older you get" is really true. I can remember as a child that Christmas Break seemed like a month and that my birthday took FOREVER to come. Now, I can't seem to get the decorating done but what it is time to take it down and with this birthday coming, the big 5-0, I wish it would take FOREVER to come!! Actually turning 50 doesn't really bother me. I am comfortable in the place I am, in my skin. The "gramma" gig is the BEST thing I have ever done. I hope as time passes I get as good at it as my children's grandparents did. Those are really big shoes to fill! But I plan to have a lot of time to try!

So.. back to 2008. It was a decent year. I have plenty of areas to improve, don't we all. I know what I want to improve, and am trying to figure just how to do it. I know it won't happen overnight, but I know it can be done. I read an article in the Dec. '94 Ensign by Elder Christensen that really struck a chord. He suggests four areas:

*intellect- read good books-STUDY the scriptures-"to continue learning throughout our lives, and especially learning more about the gospel."

*physical-"I will be resolute in preserving and strengthening my physical health."

*social-"I resolve to be a truer friend and to become more socially acceptable to people of high standards. " SMILE- Be Genuinely interested in others-Remember the person's name!-Be a good listener- Be in engaged in other's interests- Make the other person feel important

*spiritual- "I will grow spiritually—I will increase in favor with God." There is some really great suggestions in this area. Find the article and read it!

____we must resolve to overcome as much as possible the sin of pride

____resolve now that you will read from the scriptures daily

____resolve to really pray and not just say prayers.

____ if you are really serious about growing spiritually, then “remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy

____if you are a young man, resolve to be worthy of fulltime mission service

There is so much more to this, so please take time to read it.

This has become quite the rambling, but I hope it helps inspire you who read it, as it is me, as I write it.

2008 brought lessons of love, sacrifice, service, obedience, faltering, pride, tolerance, and many other things both positive and negative. My only hope is that I have learned from them, that I am able to build upon that which is good and let go of that which is bad.

Through it all, I have a deeper love for my husband, my children and their spouses, my grandchildren, my siblings, and most of all, my Savior. I have a sure knowledge of His love for me and of His divinity. I know that through it all He is there for me. That His atonement is real, it is our gift from Him. If we use it, it will heal us, it will strengthen us, and it will save us.

For the new year...2009...I look forward to improving upon the suggestions of Elder Christensen. I certainly need it! I look forward to my missionary serving, and witnessing the growth that comes in serving the Lord. I look forward to serving my ward members and my neighbors. I am excited to watch Kevin as he approaches his final year of high school. I'm excited to welcome a new grandchild(Melissa and David's) and look forward to any others that might join us!!I plan to enrich my marriage through service, sacrifice and temple attendance. I look forward to doing family history, and in doing so gaining stronger relationships with my ancestors as well as my siblings. I am determined to get my physical body in better condition, and even more determined to get my "spirit" in better condition. It won't happen quickly, or without MUCH sacrifice, but I trust in the words of Elder Christensen: "In so doing, we will become happier, more successful, and more like the Savior every day for the rest of our lives."

This was a self-indulgent post. It is for my family, as well as for myself.

May the New Year bring JOY, PEACE and LOVE to all of you and the righteous blessings we all need.


Gina and Ryan said...

That was a very good post...from the heart. It was sure good to talk to you. I wish we were closer so we could spend some time together. I will find that article and read it. Sounds like I need it. I wish you the best in 2009 and hope I can be better at keeping in contact! Love you bunches!!!

Lindsey said...

What a wonderful post. That article sounds like it was awesome. I am so glad to know you and the Bishop and wish you the best 2009!

Mark and Kris said...

Thanks for expressing yourself so well. I feel so much the same as you do. We didn't even get together like we talked about. This year did go fast, and December? What happened to December? Oh well, we can certainly try in the New Year. Let's go out to dinner and celebrate everyone's birthday!

Laura Smith said...

What are you talking about??? I think you're already perfect!!! Really, I loved your thoughts... they were so heartfelt and inspiring. I really do think you are wonderful and do so much for others! I hope I can be more like you!!!