Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Carrie Bear!

I can't believe our baby girl is a year old already! It is so true what they say about time going by faster the older you get. She is such a beautiful little girl and has definitely found her niche in the family.
We love you so much "C-Bear"!
We went out to Ryan and Andrea's for a little celebration and it was fun watching her and Jack. I think they are going to be very good buddies! Maddie and Mia were very helpful when it came to opening Carrie's gifts and they were pretty excited with Carrie's new kitchen set. Finally her VERY OWN! I tried to get a picture but I was struggling with the camera.
I think she really enjoyed her day and I hope she knows how very much Papa and LeeLee love her. (We missed you Trevor, Melissa and David.)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So cute! We wish we could have been there. I was showing Trevor the pictures and naming the cousins. I asked him if he remembers them and he goes "Lee Lee!" So I think he kinda does. Love you! Thanks for keeping me updated on all that you guys are up to.