Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spencer David Jones

After waiting a few days past his due date, our sweet little Spencer has arrived. And let me tell you...he was worth waiting for. He is SOOO adorable. All went well with the labor and delivery and Melissa is amazing. Can I just say that I love being a gramma, but seeing my daughters and daughter-in-law go through the pains and stress of labor is really HARD!!! I am so proud of them all. I love you girls!

Spencer has his own little look. You can tell he and Trevor are brothers but not "cookie cutter". Trevor was very excited to meet his little brother! Spencer has a TON of dark hair, it is so darn cute. Visit Melissa's blog to see more pics of the boy.
So farewell from Texas for now and I am sure there will be more pictures and news as the days go by.

I love you little Spencer!!!


Gibb Family said...

Congrats! He is so cute and Melissa looks great.

SarahAnne said...

Welcome to the family, Spencer! Congrats, Caralee and Papa George and hope Melissa's recovery goes well! :)

Laura Smith said...

Oh, he is so cute and we LOVE the name!! We have SO missed you!! Glad you're having a great time!

Mark and Kris said...

Thanks for sharing those pictures and your accounts of what is going on. It is wonderful to see the kids and their kids. Wow. What happened to the time. He is adorable, good job Mels! Caralee you are a terrific Gramma!