I couldn't let tomorrow and Monday happen without getting a little post done. Tomorrow is my baby boy's last day of high school! I cannot believe that my children are finished with public school! It has been 24 years!!!
So to Kevin, I say...
You have been a joy, most of the time(heehee), and have taught me many valuable lessons. Like, doing your best at all times really is important...ok maybe I taught you that! But I want you to know that I love you with a very special love. You are my baby. My last. You have had to endure 4 older siblings, teasing, and hand-me-downs! I hate to admit that there really are fewer pictures of you than Andrea,(the oldest child). I will never forget your special bond with Carly(our dog of 15 years). When you were sick, she would be sad. And the way you used to touch your face with her soft little ears...precious! I will never forget the many adventures of "the little boys". You and Michael were so darn cute. I am so thankful that you still have a good relationship with him. Although it was tough on ME I will always be impressed with your decision to switch schools your 9th grade year. That was huge! I know it made a difference in your life. I am so proud of how hard you have worked at your studies. I am in awe at your abilities...top 10% of your class is very impressive! It will continue to payoff as you further your education at BYU. I am so excited for you. YES, I will miss you, but I know it is the place and time for you to be there. Go have a BLAST!!!
Lastly, I want to thank you for being a good boy. You are a man of integrity and honor. Stay that way... be worthy to enter the temple, serve your mission, and be married in the House of the Lord. These steps will bless your life FOREVER!!! Always remember who loves you best(MOMMY) and look to your father as a role model and advisor. He loves you too. We are so proud of you, Kevin!
The sky's the limit- go get it.
Congratulations 2010 Capital High School Graduate!
Brigham Young University- get ready, here he comes!!!!
P.S. one last thing... Always remember:
Do the right thing...cuz it's the right thing to do!
Brought me to tears, Caralee. So precious!
Go get 'em, Kev!!!
Congratulations Kevin! What a great day! You did your Mom and Dad proud. I am sure your grandparents are so proud of you too. Keep it up!
I love the Message to your boy! I do NOT look foward to the day the kids grow up and move out etc...It actually makes me want to cry! You are one AMAZING woman!
Great work Kevin! Its still so hard to think that you are done with high school. Where HAS the time gone? Congrats and ENJOY the great times ahead! Be smart, Be FAITHFUL, work hard, and have a good time! Love you!!!
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