Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mission or Bust: Papers in Aug.11th

Michael started his mission papers last week. He has already been to the dentist and will have his wisdom teeth(he only has 2) out in July. He has his physical tomorrow and then needs to spend a little time getting the rest of the papers filled out. It is an amazing time for him! He goes to a missionary prep class every Sunday and is working very hard to save money. We are SOO proud of him. The goal is to have them ready Aug. 10th and click them through at 12:01 am on the 11th. He can turn them in 90 days before his 19th birthday!! We are not "pushing" him out the door, but if he leaves before the end of the year, he can get back to start school in Jan. of 2011.
He has just been called as a Primary worker. He helps with the Sunbeams during Sharing Time. Way to go, Mikey!!!
And an update on his band. They have a big gig at the Venue tomorrow night and a few others set for the summer...he's livin a dream!!

1 comment:

SarahAnne said...

Congrats, Michael, on all you are up to and accomplishing. Can't wait to hear the big news about your mission!!
