Friday, December 12, 2008

WOW! November and December's Been a Killer

Anyone else feel that way? I don't know if it was the stress of getting Michael off, having family here, Thanksgiving, a Bishop living in the house, tithing settlement, a backache, grieving my missionary leaving(not too bad), helping with the football banquet (which I finally turned over to someone else) decorating for the Holidays, Christmas shopping, finding out that the $24.00 worth of goodies for Michael would cost $140.00 to send, sewing projects out the ying yang, starting the "prep" for a colonoscopy(Monday) or ... well I won't share anymore. The last one on the list was probably TMI anyway!!!!
Can I say that having our family here was SPECTACULAR ! We had our family pictures taken and they are so awesome. I really have a beautiful family. I love you all so very much!
We had our Thanksgiving dinner on the Friday before Tday, while everyone was here. We had such a great time together. Friends have often wondered why we moved. Well, we had everyone staying here and I feel so blessed to have this home that can accomodate us all. Kevin slept on the couch but that happens anyway. As I mentioned we had our pictures taken and everyone looked so amazing! THANKS to you all for your patience! Michael's "farewell" was great and in true "Mikey" style had us laughing at the "opportunity" he gave his Dad to participate. You had to be there! Thanks to everyone who came to his meeting and then stopped by the house to wish him well.

Please check out the blog link for Michael's mission. I am just getting it started but I hope to use it as a journal/scrapbook. I will post his emails and pictures as we get them.

The holidays are well on their way. I love this time of the year. I am absolutetly obsessed with the movie "White Christmas". My family tolerates it from Thanksgiving to Christmas (ok Halloween) and at least once in the summer. Christmas in July? Anyway, I have set a new record, I have watched it too many times to report, but trust me, it is on EVERYDAY and I don't care who snickers at it. This is my thing and I am not embarrassed to say it. If anyone out there has never seen it you are missing out on a classic. Come by, it will probably be on!!!

More than anything I love the joy and promise this time of year brings. I am so thankful for the birth of the Savior, which we celebrate, and I rejoice in His glory and His reign as the Savior of the world, born in lowly circumstance, to humble parents. The Prince of Peace!

May the spirit of this season touch us all to serve and love our fellowman and then go forward and continue to honor Him, everyday!

Merry Christmas to you all!


The Crazy Heads said...

Wow, you are busy!!!! You really do have an adorable family, good for you. I hope things calm down a bit for you so you are able to enjoy the holiday. And good luck on Monday, sounds fun!

Jennifer said...

What a great picture! Hope you get a chance to slow down and relax here soon! Merry Christmas!

Gibb Family said...

Sounds like you have been busy. My mom loves that movie too. She watches it alot during the holidays. Your family picture turned out great. Everyone including kids are looking and smiling. So cute! Have a Merry Christmas.

Jeff and Laura said...

Whew...I am tired again just reading about thanksgiving. I hope everything goes well on Monday:(

Melissa said...

I miss you to tears (literally!) and want to come give you a big big squeeze and watch White Christmas with you! I watched it 2 nights ago while folding laundry and thought to myself that you would be the only one to understand how I can still laugh out loud at my favorite parts after all these times I have watched it. I'm sending all my hugs and love to you!!! Thanks for all you do.

Melissa said...

BTW, good work on the pictures!

JoJo said...

I have a colonoscopy in my immediate future so my heart goes out to you! I hope it went well.

Cami Jill said...

Caralee- I love you. You have always been and are today one of my top role models. I got called earlier this year as Stake Camp Director and was instantly thrown back in time to the 19th Ward and you. Thank you for being a beautiful, strong, and inspiring woman!

Cutler said...

I don't care who snickers either!!! I am just glad that I have Brainwashed my girls early.....they watch it with me almost every day too!!!

David said...

for the record...Ryan is on his tippy toes in the picture.

Lindsey said...

Wow what a great family picture! We are taking a big family picture right before Christmas, any pointers? Hopefully things will calm down for you now. Have a great Christmas!