Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My First Blog Tag

My niece Sarahanne tagged me. Hopefully I have enough going on in my life to answer all the categories! Thanks Sarah...this should be fun!

Rules for this TAG!
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Answer the six "8" items
3. Post a comment on the blog of those you tag

8 Favorite TV shows~
1~ American Idol
2~ Grey's Anatomy
3~ Biggest Loser
4~ Oprah
5~ Dancing with the Stars
6~ Brothers and Sisters (losing interest)
7~ The Office
8~ Chuck (yes George, I like it)

8 Things I Did Yesterday~
1~ went to work
2~ practiced my song for RS
3~ went to RS Enrichment
4~ Had a hot date with my grandson Jack!!!!!
5~ cleaned the garage for my new CENTRAL VAC!!!
6~ did laundry
7~ ironed
8~ made invites for a Single Adult dinner with me and the Bishop

8 Things I Am Looking Forward to:
1~ ABSOLUTELY #1 visiting Melissa, David and Trevor for Spring Break!
2~ my new central vac
3~ getting a haircut
4~ every Monday AM for Michael's emails
5~ #6 grandbaby
6~ going to the temple on Friday(it's been closed for 2 weeks)
7~ getting rid of my cough
8~ BSU football- GOGBB!!!

8 Favorite Restaurants
1~ Big Bun (maybe Friday after the temple)
2~ Bardenay's
3~ Olive Garden
4~ Whitewater Pizza
5~ Chapala's
6~ I love a good Blimpie sandwich!

Things on my Wish List:
1~ Going to South Africa to pick up our son in 2010
2~ getting my food storage
3~ selling property
4~ more granchildren!!!
5~ new patio furniture (not important tho)
6~ organize my photos
7~ motivation to organize the photos HEEHEE!
8~ Kevin to get into BYU~

8 People I Tag~ not sure I want to tag anyone

This was fun to think about. If you have the time give it whirl... the picture is what my VERY FAVORITE things are!!!


The Crazy Heads said...

Amen on the Big Bun. Have a french fry for me. That area is my romping grounds. My mom and I would go there ALL the time.

Andrea Cutler said...

So cute!! How is the new Central Vac????? Can't wait to come try it out...especially the handy in the kitchen sweeper upper device.....if only I had a million $ I would put those in every room of my dream house! (OK, maybe a FEW million $)

Jeff and Laura said...

I AM SHOCKED! The Bachelor didn't make the cut! Maybe it is a little over-rated.