Monday, March 23, 2009


I have to post these pictures of Elder J here on my blog and on his blog, because I have waited for SOOO long to get them. I think Michael looks absolutely FANTASTIC! I am so thrilled to see the joy on his face and I just know that he is loving every minute of his mission and everyone he comes in contact with. PLEASE stop by his blog to read his emails and see how much he is changing as he is serving the Lord in South Africa. And I would love it if you would leave a comment so I can see who visits! A few weeks ago 2 of his best friends stopped by the house. Logan made the comment, " I can just see Michael in the middle of South Africa in his skinny legged jeans"! And there he is. What a goof-ball! I love him!


SarahAnne said...

I love it! I will do better at leaving comments on his blog. I read, just don't always have time to comment. You know how that goes! So fun to see him in that environment. How amazing!

Mark and Kris said...

That is simply the best! To see him and also to see him in such a different place. He does look great! What a blessing to get pictures. I am glad you posted them.