Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break in HOUSTON

Well, it's about time I posted my adventures in Houston. I had a FABULOUS time with Melissa, David and Trevor. I arrived in Houston on Wednesday and let me say it was AWESOME. I came through the gate and could hear Trevor yelling..."LEE LEE" and then he came a runnin'. Let me just say, it was amazing to have that little guy so excited to see me. Then as we got in the car he asked me to sit next to him. WOW! What a big Texas Welcome!! Just a side note, I left Boise early in the morning dressed in a black sweatshirt. The temperature in Spring when I got there was 79 degrees. I was sweating like crazy! But it felt great to be warm! Melissa and I enjoyed the time we had together, just being together! I was able to help her with a little sewing project for the "little boys'" bedroom. I told her that she now takes over that beloved title... "the little boys" have always been Michael and Kevin but now she will have her own "little boys"! I am so excited for Trevor, he will be a great big brother. I cherished the time I had with Trevor. We read books, played with his cars, went to the park, snuggled in bed in the mornings and just spent time together. He is SOOO smart. He knows his ABC's, he can identify his letters and can count to 20! In Sydnie's words...GENIOUS!! David grilled up some DELICIOUS chicken on his new grill, AND we ate outside. The weather was PERFECT! We went to the Woodlands and took the Waterway boat ride and then went into the Market Place. It is a cool place, with shops, places to eat, a splash pad and a grassy area to run and play. The atmosphere is a lot like the Grove on First Thursday. (I think that's what it's called) We did a little shopping, but I need to bring an empty suitcase next time and do some SERIOUS shopping! Just kidding, George! Speaking of...George and Kevin arrived on Tuesday evening and then the fun really began! Of course it was fun to see Trevor with Kevin. They played football and cars and one of Trevor's favorite things to do is to run through the house. He got Kevin to chase him and I think that was the best cardio workout Kevin's had in long time. We went out to dinner to our favorite Mexican place...YUMMY!!! And for Kevin's birthday, we went for Bar-B-Que. Kevin was not disappointed! We topped it off with some Blue Bell ice cream. One of the highlights was going to the Johnson Space Center! We took a tour that included a peek at the infamous control center. You know the one from Apollo 13. "Houston, we have a problem". It is amazing to see how far we've come in our technology. George was like a kid in a candy store. He was disappointed that he didn't get to see the big missile,the Saturn V, it was closed because of weather. We did see plenty of the "mock-ups" and it was amazing to see how large they are up close. Trevor was so good during the whole time we were there. He really is a good boy, and as long as he can run a little bit he hangs in there. It is no wonder Melissa looks so good, she has to be able to keep with that boy! Melissa and I took George and Kevin back to the Woodlands Mall and Trevor took Kevin for a ride on the carousel. We then rode the trolley to the Market Place so the guys could see the splash pad. Trevor LOVED the trolley ride. Our last day they took us to an Arboretum. It was so beautiful. I couldn't help thinking how much my mother and George's mother would have loved it. They were having a huge sale where you could walk through and pick out the plants/trees you wanted and then go and buy them. It was quite the set up. There was a fun park that Trevor got to play at and we got to ride behind a tractor on the way back that Trevor really enjoyed! All in all it was a great trip and as always ended too soon. The only positive about leaving is that I will be back in July when the baby is born. I am hoping the "outdoor Air Conditioning" is working by then. What? You mean there isn't any? Houston in July will be miserable, but worth it when that new grandson makes his entrance. Thanks to David for putting up with his "mother-in-law" for 11 days. But I guess he better buck up, cuz I will probably be there longer in July! And to Melissa, you are such a wonderful mother, and wife. You are patient, kind and so sweet. I love you! Thanks for the great visit.
I have tried to get a slideshow of our pictures posted but I am HORRIBLE at figuring it out. After checking Melissa's blog she has done a wonderful job on 2 different slidshows. SOOO...stop by her blog to see all our fun! I will eventually learn how and try again later. The above are a few of my favorite pictures!

1 comment:

Mark and Kris said...

Glad you had such a great time. And it is true, you can leave because you know you will be back. Sweet! Thanks for keeping us updated on your whole family. Love you guys so much! Let's get together really soon.