Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Birthday George!

April 28th was George's birthday and as things have gone lately, I am late adding a post to honor the birthday boy!
As the years go by, and with the milestone bday behind us, turning fifty, it seems our birthdays are easily overlooked. I feel bad because I didn't do much of anything on his very day. We finally got him a much needed cell phone, with every bell and whistle imaginable! Then we went to Kevin's rugby game. We had planned to indulge our dieting selves on a Gandolfos sandwich, but we were late for Kevin's game so we didn't. So you see things weren't real festive! BUT... Saturday the kids all came over, (we missed you Jones Fam) and I cooked all his favorites. Ham and Mac n Cheese. And I might say that it was THE BEST mac and cheese I have ever made!!! I was so glad that the meal was perfect and that he enjoyed himself. OH, I almost forget and I made him a German Chocolate Cake to die for!! So even though his very day was rather disappointing, I think he had a great bday celebration dinner!
I love you, George! Words cannot express the gratitue I have for you and what you do for our family. You are amazing and you are doing some very amazing things right now. THANK YOU!
There is a line in a movie, one he isn't that fond of, but I watched it the other day and it goes something like this, "what if I were a bird?... I'd be a bird too". (Can you name the movie?) Well, it is how I feel about my man, I would do all I could to be where he is, what he is and always with him.
Happy Birthday, I love you babe!
(the picture was taken at the Johnson Space Center and the only one of George alone, that I could find. Besides I think he's "out of this world" HEEHEE!)


JoJo said...

Out of this world... I love it.

Lindsey said...

"The Notebook" I love that movie! Happy Birthday Bishop! We love your family very much and hope you all have many more happy birthdays!

Melissa said...

He's a keeper! :) Most of the time, having our "mellow men" is a blessing, and other times it makes us stress out that we aren't doing enough to make their special days special. You know what I mean, right? But I'm sure no matter what you guys did or didn't do it was a super fine day and he was just glad to spend it with YOU!