Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Callie Cutler

Callie arrived safe and sound on February 22, 2010. She arrived at about 11:20 pm, weighed 7.13lbs, and 20.5 inches. She is so adorable!!! Andrea was amazing! It was a such a priviledge to be there at such an intimate time. Thanks Ryan and are wonderful parents and those 4 little girls are so blessed to have you as their parents. I am blessed to have you all in my life!


Melissa said...

So glad she's here - give her a love for me and tell her that her crazy aunt Mel can't wait to meet her!!! ;)

Mark and Kris said...

Congratulations. She is beautiful. How wonderful to have another baby "doll". What is the count now? 7 going on 8? Wow. you are a wonderful Gramma!

Lindsey said...

Congratulations!! It's so great that you were able to be there.

Melissa said...

I'm LOVIN the blog background!