Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wow-it has been TOO long!

I am not even sure how to so this anymore. I finally have my new computer, although I haven't downloaded any pictures yet. I will soon have a full update on the latest happenings in the Johnson family!
Kevin is winding down his Senior year, headed off to BYU for his "dream" summer term. Something he has always wanted to do. He is looking for a job down there so he can get going. Maybe as soon as June 1st. I am so excited for him. A little sad at my "baby" leaving the nest but more excited than sad. He will do awesome and is ready for a change of scenery and friends. More to some on Prom, Rugby, and graduation.
Michael is doing so well. It is amazing that we are down to about 7 months. I try not to count but this is crazy! It has gone by so fast. He is now in a township and loving it. I will soon have updates, information about the township and some recent pictures on his blog.
The Cutlers are doing great. It was a long haul for a while with various things going on but Andrea is an amazing mother and Ryan a great support. Their girls are beautiful and I love every one of them.
The Joneses are keeping it real in Texas- Trevor is a sweet boy and I enjoy our weekly talks on the phone. Spencer is an amazing "deep breather" on the phone, and is growing and changing. It is so hard to be so far away, but as long as they are well and happy... well that's all I can hope for. I love them all so much!
Jeffrey has been in a whirlwind of school, work,and internships and Laura has been along for the ride! Bless her heart. It will be over soon. He "walks" for his Masters Degree on April 26th...and finishes class July 1st. Jack is absolutely adorable and we anxiously await the arrival of the next Johnson boy sometime in the next week.
I guess I just gave you a brief update, hadn't planned on it. I will get some photos up soon and hopefully some more details on the new baby and Kevin's future.
Here is one recent picture of Michael at a baptism they just had. He said it tied his mission record. Five baptisms in one day!! WOOT WOOT!!! Doesn't he look adorable-man I love that boy.


SarahAnne said...

Great update. I had no idea their baby was coming so soon!

And Michael looks so different. Maybe it's the shadows??? In this pic he looks more like Jeff. Great baptism pic!

Mark and Kris said...

Great post Caralee. Thanks for the catch up! Michael does look great; he has really changed.. Is he the tall guy in the middle? Just kidding. He looks awesome, and is as handsome as can be! I am happy for all the kids and their adventures, it is too sweet! So glad we can get together and laugh! Hope to see you soon!