Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pay it Forward!

OK, to all who have played before, here goes my effort at the game. See what happens by commenting on my blog. The first three get a "SURPRISE" from me. It is my choice of what and when so leave me your comment and wait! Also don't forget to add this post to your own blog...after all, it is called "Pay it Forward"!


Anonymous said...
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Gibb Family said...

ooh ooh I want a surprise!

Gibb Family said...

I have to post another one? Ah man! :)

Jennifer said...

Must you have a blog to comment or is it possible to promise to pass it on to 3 random people?
Hope you are having a great time in Houston. Jared mentioned seeing a Johnson recently. We are just not sure if it was Melissa or the daughter of the Johnson's in my parents ward :)

George and Caralee said...

Jennifer~ You don't have to post it! So you are now #2! I don't think it is Melissa. But I did talk with an Elder today that served in the Woodlands with Jared. He said Jared is AP almost done? The Elder spoke very highly of Jared!
I'll be in touch with your surprise!

Jennifer said...

Wahoo!! Yes Jared is an AP he was made one back in December. He gets released on the 15th of July! We are excited but he is not! He loves being a missionary. Have a fantastic day!