Sunday, April 19, 2009

Belated Birthday, and Rugby

I am so behind on my blogging. Kevin's birthday was March 29th, and I haven't even posted about him yet. I can't believe my baby is SEVENTEEN! He is now the ONLY child and I think it really bugged him at first but he is getting used to us! He is so easy to get along with and just takes care of business. He works VERY hard in school and it is paying off.
He really wanted new skiis for his birthday and they were not in our birthday budget, so we gave him his allotted amount and he paid the rest. He is very excited to get the bindings for them and have them ready for next year.
He is working EXTREMELY hard for football! It is hard to believe that it is already Spring Camp time, well almost, and then it will be summer workouts and Gold Beach. I am really proud of him for how hard he works and the time he sacrifices to be in the gym, and he even does another separate workout on his own. I just hope it pays off for him. All the while he has a 4.0 in school and is hoping to score a 28 or above on the ACT. Which he did, with a 28. But he wants to retake it and try to get a higher score. His goal is to go to BYU the summer term right after graduation. That way he gets 1 term and 2 semesters in before his mission...see what I mean, he is DRIVEN!
Another activity he is involved in is, RUGBY! Man I love this sport. It looks like chaos but it is really fun to watch and he LOVES to play it. I posted some pics of him playing. The two where they are all huddled together is called a "SCRUM". The ball is placed on the ground and the team who has possesion taps it backwards with their feet, when it reaches the last player the ball is picked up and can be kicked, or lateralled to another player. Sounds confusing, but after just 2 games I am hooked and learning more every time I watch. One of the pics shows Kevin with the ball and lateralling it to another player. Is "lateralling" a real word?! One you just see is "booty" and the other one you can tell it's him on the end. Anyway they play on Saturdays at Eagle Middle School, usually at 12:30 if you want to come watch!
By the way, they have only been scored on (a score is called a TRY) in one game, they are FEARED by the other teams! And the team that scored on them had to do it by kicking rather than getting the try! They really are AWESOME!!! Kevin is #6 in the pics...check out his HUMONGUS thighs. A sign of a good rugby player!
I also want to give a shout out to Laura and Jeff who also celebrated birthdays. Laura's was the 14th of April and Jeff's was today the 19th! We celebrated with the family favorite...pork chops and Jeff chose banana splits for his dessert. Ryan, Andrea and the girls joined us, along with Joan and Sydnie. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed having everyone here. We missed you Jones'!!!!!
I baked Laura a cake on her very day, and gave her a great "THANK YOU" card! Long story but will now be a great family joke! We also gave them concert tickets for "Death Cab for Cutie" which we are all going to on the 25th. We sure love you and hope this year brings you much joy and happiness! You two are terrific!
So... until George's birthday.

1 comment:

Mark and Kris said...

Happy Birthday everyone! That is so hard to keep up with. I get overwhelmed sometimes. You do a terrific job of making everyone feel special Caralee. My hat's off to you.